What are the Three types of Lycra Fabric Available in the Market?

Varieties of fabrics are available and lycra fabric is one of these. Visit the stores of the Lycra Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata and know its different types.lycra fabric wholesalersWhen one goes for shopping to the stores of the Lycra Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata, one must have checked out the collection by touching the fabric to know the type of fabric well. Lycra is a type of fabric like silk, cotton, nylon, and even wool. The perfect and proportionate combination of these materials and lycra can be used for making different types of clothing and for many other products made from fabrics.

Now Let’s Explore the Three Types of Lycra Fabrics that are Commonly Used:-

Nylon Lycra Fabric: – Nylon lycra fabrics are used to make varieties of consumer products. For example, this type of lycra fabric is used for making table covers, bags, couch covers, and several other kinds of stuffs that required sturdy fabric. These products are extremely durable and have a slight shine. When someone wears nylon lycra clothes especially when getting ready for a party or any special occasion, they become more conspicuous when light falls on their outfits. This type of nylon also has some other plus points like the smooth texture, the free-flowing feature, and the easy maintenance technique.

Cotton Lycra Fabric: – Cotton lycra fabric is the fabric that is used to make the wrinkle-free shirts, tops, etc. Besides this, there are the other styles of clothing that is made from cotton lycra material. Some noticeable aspects are there like this material does not get stained very fast, and if it gets stained also then the mark can be washed off in no time and with minimum effort.

Wool Lycra Fabric: – The best solution for making coats and suits is the wool lycra fabric that keeps the wearer warm and makes her look fabulous. This variety of lycra has stretching features that makes it suitable for making coats and suits. If made from this variety, the clothes will not shrink. The stiffness and fit that is needed for making suits and coats can be given to these outfits with the use of wool lycra fabric.

It is a vastly used material for making a good collection of different types of outfits and other fashion accessories. One can buy different designs and colors of this textile from Firefly, one of the most trusted Digital Print Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata at the best prices.

Here are Some of the Faqs Related to Digital Printed Fabrics

Many questions are asked by the customers when they visit the stores of the Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata. Some of the common FAQs are listed out below.digital print fabric wholesalersDo any question click your mind at the time of exploring the collection of digitally printed fabrics at the stores of the Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata? If yes then just a help is needed. The answers of the most common questions that frequently clicks your mind when it is all about buying printed fabrics for getting your favorite outfits stitched out of them, are here. Let’s know these FAQs.

Q. Can Digitally Printed Fabrics be cleaned, washed, and also ironed like the other normal textiles? Can the colors run or fade? How long the printing on the fabric lasts?
Ans. Digitally printing of fabrics is quite similar to the industrial printing process but on a smaller scale. Hence, the finished textiles that are digitally printed can be washed and maintained just like the other normal fabrics.
The fabric dyes that are used for digitally printing are of the best quality that will never bleed or run while washing the printed fabrics. None of the buyers should get worried about the quality of the printing. The colors of the print and the entire printing will remain as it is for years. All one needs to do is to follow the basic maintaining instructions on the labels or can ask the experts of the store.

Q. What is the difference between Silk screening Printing technique and Digital Printing process?
Ans. First of all, one must know how is digital fabric printing done actually. Printing the fabrics digitally is quite similar to the ink jet system of fabric printing. In both the cases, the inks and the dyes are specially formulated so that they remain in the same condition for several years. The benefit of digitally printed fabrics is that the printing can be directly done from the picture or the artwork file. In this case, there is no need to create the screen stencil like that of the silk screening technique. Hence the buyers can stay confident and relaxed especially when buying the fabrics from stores like Firefly, which is one of the most trusted Digital Print Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata. Digital printing process also saves a lot of time in spreading the dye or ink as compared to the silk screening process.

Hope these questions will be of some help to the buyers. To some extent, they can now make the right selection for sure. After-all, it’s about adding the best to your fashion wardrobe.

Brief Note on Digital Printing Technology and Possibilities

Choose to buy the most exclusive and the best quality digital printed fabrics from Firefly, one of the most trusted Digital Print Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata. Brief Note on Digital Printing Technology and PossibilitiesDigital fabric printing is a fresh technology with loads of applications. The most exclusive collection of these attractively and digitally printed fabrics is found at Firefly, which is one of the most well-known Digital Print Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata. Buying the fabrics from the wholesalers would help in purchasing more and saving more without compromising on the quality of the material.

Let’s Know More About this New Fabric Printing Technology and The Possibilities:-

Technology:- Most viably available fabric is the rotary screen printed; every print run is naturally several thousand yards. The high minimums are because of the price and the time needed for preparing the unique set of screens with each and every color in the design needing a separate screen. The primary benefit of digital printing is the capability to do the small runs of every design as there are no screens for preparing. The inkjet printing technique used for embellishing the plain fabrics with different prints was fist patented in the year 1968. The inkjet printers became broadly available for the paper printing applications. This printing technology was continued for developing and now there are some specialized broad-format printers that are capable of handling varieties of substrates, everything from paper and canvas to vinyl, and obviously fabric.

The inks that are used in this printing technology are formulated specifically for every type of fiber, be it silk, cotton, polyester, nylon, or any other fabric. During digital printing, the fabrics are fed through the printing machine using the rollers and the ink is then applied to the surface of the fabric in the form of hundreds of tiny droplets. The fabrics are then finished using steam or heat in order to cure the ink. Digitally printed fabrics should be washed and cleaned in the same way as the other normal fabrics but one should be a little gentler towards these fabrics.

The possibilities:-

Personalization:- Every yard printed can be personalized and customized completely. Print the fabrics with names and dates, for using these as the quilt blocks, doggy raincoats, t-shirts, pillowcases, etc. Every product in the line can be made available in different colors. One can also do some more practical kinds of personalization like creating the sequentially numbered labels.

Trends and Fast Fashion:- The traditional screen printed textiles are made available in the market after about a year after these are printed. With this type of printing technology, it is now possible to go from the printing stage to finishing the fabrics in just a matter of weeks. This allows one to take advantage of the latest fashion trends and even the changing colors according to the current season. Buying these fabrics after exploring the wide collection of the Printed Fabric Wholesalers in Kolkata will not only help in buying more the quality fabrics buy will also help to save more on your estimated budget.